
The Educational Review, USA

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A Proposal for Evaluation in Schools: Multifaceted Evaluation for the Facilitation of Learning and Instruction

Rivka Glaubman, Hananyah Glaubman

Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel.

*Corresponding author: Rivka Glaubman

Published: May 27,2021


Evaluation should correspond with the method of teaching. However, in practice, state authorities almost solely drive towards an achievements’ evaluation. We disapprove of the current state of evaluation policy and promote the use of alternative assessment methods. Thus, we suggest: (1) Assessment should be designed to suit a continuous sequence of teaching-learning-and evaluation, where assessment plays the role of feedback; (2) Assessment must be varied in alternative methods, to correspond with divergent teaching objectives and meet various learners and learning situations; (3) For learning to occur, students should be active in all domains, learning as well as evaluation. They should be involved in active learning, students’ mutual teaching, and self-evaluation. In the present work, we propose a model of alternative methods in classroom assessment. The model presents three levels: Level 1—A traditional normative approach of direct teaching and directive assessment, aimed at socialization and acquiring common knowledge and basic skills. Assessment of these pre-set goals requires at a lower stage objective summative testing, and at a more advanced stage—formative or value-added assessment. Level 2—An interpretive empowering approach, which aims at developing learner’s self-directed-learning through independent and cooperative study. Evaluation is conducted in alternative ways, including teacher’s facilitative feedback, and pupil’s self- and mutual-assessment. Level 3—A personal approach, which seeks to develop inner self-growth powers of learning and to accommodate each person’s unique aims and interests. At this level, self-evaluation of one’s own goals is encouraged, to facilitate growth and foster autonomy.


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How to cite this paper

A Proposal for Evaluation in Schools: Multifaceted Evaluation for the Facilitation of Learning and Instruction

How to cite this paper: Rivka Glaubman, Hananyah Glaubman. (2021). A Proposal for Evaluation in Schools: Multifaceted Evaluation for the Facilitation of Learning and Instruction. The Educational Review, USA5(5), 146-154.