The Educational Review, USA

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Research on the Relationships Among Learning Motivation, Learning Engagement, and Learning Effectiveness

Chih Huang*, Ying Yang

College of Economics and Management, Zhaoqing University, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong, China.

*Corresponding author: Chih Huang

Published: June 30,2021


This research mainly aims to explore the relationship between learning motivation and learning effectiveness and verify the mediating role of learning engagement in the relationship between learning motivation and learning effectiveness. Taking the undergraduates of Z University in China as the research object, this paper carried out an investigation through quantitative research, whose result reveals that the learning motivation (learning interest, self-development, professional needs, external expectations) has a significant positive effect on the learning effectiveness (learning level, response level, behavior level). In addition, to further verify the mediating effect of learning engagement in the relationship between learning motivation and learning effectiveness, this research adopted the bias-corrected bootstrap method to test the total effect, indirect effect, and direct effect respectively. The finding shows that learning engagement plays a partial mediating role in the relationship between learning motivation (intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation) and learning effectiveness (reaction level, learning level, and behavior level).


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How to cite this paper

Research on the Relationships Among Learning Motivation, Learning Engagement, and Learning Effectiveness

How to cite this paper: Chih Huang, Ying Yang. (2021). Research on the Relationships Among Learning Motivation, Learning Engagement, and Learning Effectiveness. The Educational Review, USA5(6), 182-190.