
International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture

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Determining the Yield and the Quality Paramaters for Some Local Pea (Pisum sativum L.) Varieties in Eastern Mediterranean Region

Dürdane Mart1,*, Meltem Türkeri1, Derya Yücel2, Sezgin Mart3

1East Mediterranean Agricultural Research Institute, Doğankent, Adana, Turkey.

2Faculty of Agricultural, Sirnak University, Şirnak, Turkey. 

3Faculty of Crop Sciences, Hohenheim University, Stuttgart, Germany.

*Corresponding author: Dürdane Mart

Published: July 5,2021


This research was carried out to determine the seed yield and quality components of some pea genotypes under eastern mediterranean ecological conditions during 2015 and 2016 at East Mediterranean Agricultural Research Institute, Adana location. Research was conducted with different local pea populations, pea vareties from ICARDA and from Menemen gene bank under Eastern Mediterranean conditions for pea variety breeding. Trials were investigated under winter conditions. The area of the research was located between the geographic latitudes of 360 51' 17.21 North and 350 20' 41.61 East with an altitude of 23 m. According to the results of the analyses from this study, the highest and the lowest values are following, 273.6-142.2 kg/da for the yield, 57-38 days for the flowering time, 121.0-62.7 cm for the plant height, 28.4-15.1 gr for the 100-grain weight in the winter sowing conditions. In addition to these, the highestand the lowest protein content were 31.84-26.26. Pea has an important place in human and animal nutrition with its rich nutritional content. These results provide an initial step for the development of promising Pisum sativum L. varieties in sustainable breeding programs.


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How to cite this paper

Determining the Yield and the Quality Paramaters for Some Local Pea (Pisum sativum L.) Varieties in Eastern Mediterranean Region

How to cite this paper: Dürdane Mart, Meltem Türkeri, Derya Yücel, Sezgin Mart. (2021) Determining the Yield and the Quality Paramaters for Some Local Pea (Pisum sativum L.) Varieties in Eastern Mediterranean RegionInternational Journal of Food Science and Agriculture5(3), 350-354.