
International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine Research

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Physical and Psychological Health Problems of Senior Citizens in Pandemic: A Case Study of Kirtipur Municipality, Nepal

Milan Acharya1,*, Kamal Prasad Acharya2, Kalpana Gyawali3, Pitambar Acharya4, Balram Devkota3

1Assistant Lecturer, Health, Population and Physical Department, Sanothimi Campus, Tribhuvan University, Nepal. 

2Lecturer, Department of Science and Environment Education, Central Department of Education, Tribhuvan University, Nepal.

3Lecturer, Health, Population and Physical Department, Sanothimi Campus, Tribhuvan University, Nepal. 

4Lecturer, Department of Health and Population Education, Central Department of Education, Tribhuvan University, Nepal.

*Corresponding author: Milan Acharya

Published: August 2,2021


The corona virus disease (COVID-19) predicament is facing by the senior citizens in Nepal with a number of disconcerting challenges. One of these, which are so far still receiving too little attention and support by Nepal government, is the risk that many senior citizens are affected in Nepal. The COVID-19 pandemic has presented an unprecedented threat to the public and physical and psychosocial health. The most vulnerable population is the senior citizens, are at disproportionate risks both to the psychosomatic and somatic effects of the outbreak. Reduced healthcare access, limited health facilities and resources as well as fear of the infection act as major problems to care during such a pandemic. Besides, there are the additional burden of stigma, abuse, ageism and financial impoverishment. Loneliness and lack of stimulation can potentially accelerate the cognitive decline and worsen the behavioral and psychological problems of senior citizens.


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How to cite this paper

Physical and Psychological Health Problems of Senior Citizens in Pandemic: A Case Study of Kirtipur Municipality, Nepal

How to cite this paper: Milan Acharya, Kamal Prasad Acharya, Kalpana Gyawali, Pitambar Acharya, Balram Devkota. (2021) Physical and Psychological Health Problems of Senior Citizens in Pandemic: A Case Study of Kirtipur Municipality, Nepal. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine Research5(3), 403-407.