International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture

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Justification of Agrotechnical and Operational and Technological Indicators of the Combined Software of Working Bodies

F. G. Huseynov

National Academy of Sciences, Azerbaijan Republic Institute of Soil Science and Aqrochemistry, str, M.Rahim 5, Baku AZ1073, Azerbaijan Republic.

*Corresponding author: F. G. Huseynov

Published: September 6,2021


The design of the small semicircle for the softener was developed to protect the soil from erosion during soil cultivation. In inter-row cultivated soils, in orchards, vineyards and nurseries, it performs layer-by-layer softening and semi-loosening, deep pillow cultivation by combing out rhubarb and aloe vera residues and mulching plant residues in the upper layers of the crop. The technological process of a two-layer semicircle by layers is theoretically substantiated, analytical dependences of the main structural parameters of a hemisphere are derived. The task of the soil softener is minimal technological soil compaction, sowing and pre-sowing by implementing the method is to perform cultivation operations. Deep emollient aggregate—having different mechanical composition, resistance 0.04-0.11. Mpa and relative humidity all mountains, foothills and plains of the Republic on lands with 17-21% can be used in climatic zones. Studies show that inter-row and intervine cultivation of soils in vineyards is the most is one of the important processes. Soil through cultivation softening, prevention of moisture loss in the soil, its ventilation, surfacelayer prevention of erosion, its structural stay and weeds is one of the important operations performed for cleaning.


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How to cite this paper

Justification of Agrotechnical and Operational and Technological Indicators of the Combined Software of Working Bodies

How to cite this paper: F. G. Huseynov. (2021) Justification of Agrotechnical and Operational and Technological Indicators of the Combined Software of Working Bodies. International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture5(3), 519-523.