
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation

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Situation of Competence-Based Assessment Management in Teaching Mathematics: A Case Study in Junior High Schools in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Phan Van Quang

Department of Education and Training, Saigon University, Tan Binh District, 701000, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

*Corresponding author: Phan Van Quang

Published: September 7,2021


The research discusses the management of learning outcomes assessment in Mathematics based on junior high schools in Ho Chi Minh City. Results obtained by research methods: questionnaire survey method, in-depth interviews with 13 school managers principal, 13 leader teachers of Mathematics and 13 teachers of Mathematics in 13 districts of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The survey results show that the management of the formative assessment of high school math learning results is essential. To perform well the formative assessment of students, school managers principal must apply management functions in planning; organizing, deploying, and checking the implementation of learning outcomes assessment in Maths based on formative assessment. This survey on the current situation of management of math learning results to approach students at 26 junior high schools in Ho Chi Minh City. The actual survey of 26 school managers principal, 52 vice principals of 26 leader teachers and 216 teachers for the results of level 4 and level 3 is an important practical basis for proposing measures: strengthening management functions (planning, organization, leadership and inspection); focusing on fostering the theory for the teachers of Mathematics team on the objectives, content, methods, forms, and effective treatment of mathematical learning outcomes assessment in a formative assessment to improve the quality of education.


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How to cite this paper

Situation of Competence-Based Assessment Management in Teaching Mathematics: A Case Study in Junior High Schools in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

How to cite this paper: Phan Van Quang. (2021) Situation of Competence-Based Assessment Management in Teaching Mathematics: A Case Study in Junior High Schools in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation5(3), 187-199.