
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation

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Mathematical Modelling of the Screening of Musical Abilities and Skills

Perebinos Mihail1,*, Pasat Natalia2

1Department of Computer Science and Systems Engineering, Faculty of Computers, Informatics and Microelectronics, Technical University of Moldova (TUM), Chisinau city, Republic of Moldova.

2Software and Applications Development and Analysis, Information Technologies in Modeling, Faculty of Physics and Engineering, Moldova State University (MSU), Chisinau city, Republic of Moldova.

*Corresponding author: Perebinos Mihail

Published: September 13,2021


Since ancient times, learning and science developed in parallel resulting from the continuous interplay “questions-answers”. In this context, due to this approach, the process in Pasat Natalia was focused on research of musical abilities side effects and their degree of influence on individual’s multidimensional development. In order to reach an efficient decision-making process, experts were involved to solve an optimization problem linked to reclassifying or supplementing the characteristics set. For this particular case, three criteria were proposed to be considered, each consisting of individual classes of characteristics. Based on Pareto analysis, metrics for each of the local and integrated criteria are presented. Starting with various assumptions and advancing to the obtained results, 4 challenges and 2 remarks, a task was formulated. Using the Churchman-Ackoff method, a “primary” model for quantitative assessment of musical abilities and skills screening, which have a vast impact on overall human development, was designed.


[1] Pasat Natalia. (2018). ICT Services for screening of musical abilities and skills, bachelor thesis, Chișinău, 2018, TUM, FCIM, DIIS, Applied Informatics.

[2] Kemeny, J. and Snell, L. (1962). Mathematical Models in the Social Sciences. Ginn, Boston.

[3] Churchman and Ackoff. (1954). The method of successive comparisons.

How to cite this paper

Mathematical Modelling of the Screening of Musical Abilities and Skills

How to cite this paper: Perebinos Mihail, Pasat Natalia. (2021) Mathematical Modelling of the Screening of Musical Abilities and SkillsJournal of Applied Mathematics and Computation5(3), 200-206.