
Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science

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A Study on Factors Influencing Investment Decision of Pondicherrians

G. Madan Mohan*, Keerthana

Department of Management Studies, School of Management, Pondicherry University, Puducherry-605014, India.

*Corresponding author: G. Madan Mohan

Published: October 9,2021


Saving is very important to provide for future contingencies. However, mere saving is also not good. Money saved should be properly invested. Investment should be made such that returns earned outsmart the inflation rate. This descriptive research has made an attempt to study the factors affecting investment decision of Pondicherrians, the proportion of income invested by them and the impact of factors influencing investment decision on this proportion. Results of the study reveal that Pondicherrians have ranked corporate bonds and debentures as their most preferred investment avenue followed by company shares. Pondicherrians largely consider safety of investment followed by returns and risk while making investment decision while they accord moderate consideration to liquidity and capital appreciation. Around one-quarter of the investors are not rational in deciding about their investment. Pondicherrians are investing a little more than one-third of their income (34.61%). This percentage is expected to increase if safety and returns associated with investment increases. Hence, securities involving less risk and reasonably good returns will be well demanded by Pondicherrians.


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How to cite this paper

A Study on Factors Influencing Investment Decision of Pondicherrians

How to cite this paper: G. Madan Mohan, Keerthana. (2021) A Study on Factors Influencing Investment Decision of PondicherriansJournal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science5(2), 255-262.