Emilia Pedersen*, Carsten Helge
Unit for Health Promotion Research, Western Sydney University, Locked, Australia.
*Corresponding author: Emilia Pedersen
With the melting of glaciers, the warming of the climate and the destruction of the ozone layer, environmental protection is a growing concern. Environmental protection is a new social condition in order to achieve rapid economic development and a harmonious relationship between man and nature. At this stage, it is also necessary to completely change the traditional development concept and get rid of the thinking of development first and governance later, which seeks higher returns at the expense of ecology. At the same time, the relevant laws, regulations and policies should be used as support, taking into account the ability to enforce national regulations and policies, so that people can truly become an important part of the ecosystem and realise that the safety of the environment cannot be separated from humans.
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How to cite this paper
Research on Coal Mine Environmental Pollution and Wastewater Treatment Technology
How to cite this paper: Emilia Pedersen, Carsten Helge. (2019) Research on Coal Mine Environmental Pollution and Wastewater Treatment Technology. OAJRC Environmental Science, 1(1), 9-12.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26855/oajrces.2019.01.003