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Basic research on properties of high-carbon ferrochromium slag and its resource application

ZL Musabekov

K.Zhubanov Aktobe regional state university, Kazakhstan.

*Corresponding author: ZL Musabekov

Published: January 18,2019


High-carbon ferrochromium slag is an important waste of ferrochrome alloys. Its emission is large, the slag phase is complex, and its composition is uneven. It is an important source of ferrochrome alloys. How to effectively develop and utilize resources has become an important topic for environmental protection workers and the material industry. Through the systematic analysis and research of high-carbon ferrochrome slag, combined with its own characteristics, the development and utilization of high-carbon ferrochrome slag and other industrial solid wastes are preliminarily discussed, and a new way is proposed to reduce the cost of raw materials.


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How to cite this paper

Basic research on properties of high-carbon ferrochromium slag and its resource application

How to cite this paper: ZL Musabekov. (2019) Basic research on properties of high-carbon ferrochromium slag and its resource application. OAJRC Material science1(1), 1-4.