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Tobacco Production Practice of Smallholder in Bilate, Wolaita and Hawassa tobacco farms, Ethiopia

Daniel Abebe*, Mekonnen Tadesse

Department of Research and Quality Assurance, National Tobacco Enterprise (Ethiopia), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

*Corresponding author: Daniel Abebe

Published: June 8,2020


This study was conducted tobacco growing farmers’ house hold in the Wolaita ,Bilatte and Hawassa tobacco farms in Southern Nations, Nationalities and peoples’ Regional state, Ethiopia. The objective of the study was to investigate socioeconomic and technical factors that affect tobacco production smallholder tobacco producers at southern Ethiopia. In conducting the research, data relevant to the study were collected from both primary and secondary sources. Prior to interviewed back ground information and secondary data were collected from extension section of each tobacco development farm. Two peasant associations (PAs) were selected totally 30 sample farmers were randomly selected from each district based on tobacco production potential. Surveys were used to measured like area of plots with tobacco plants, household farming practiced at present and in the past, other crop species planted before, labor source, farm size and input. The findings from this study point to several recommendations for research, extension, and policy makers. The study recommended technologies to mitigate farmer’s labor shortage, regularly revised price of green tobacco price policies, good relation with local administrator and training of smallholder tobacco producers that would increase number of tobacco producers.


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How to cite this paper

Tobacco Production Practice of Smallholder in Bilate, Wolaita and Hawassa tobacco farms, Ethiopia

How to cite this paper: Daniel Abebe, Mekonnen Tadesse. (2020) Tobacco Production Practice of Smallholder in Bilate, Wolaita and Hawassa tobacco farms, Ethiopia. Advance in Biological Research1(1), 23-28.