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Weed Survey Associated in Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) in Bilatte Tobacco Farm, Ethiopia

Daniel Abebe*, Mekonnen Tadesse

National Tobacco Enterprise (Ethiopia), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

*Corresponding author: Daniel Abebe

Published: June 8,2020


An in-field weed survey method was conducted to estimate the most frequently, density and abundance weed species present in Bilatte tobacco farm, Ethiopia during 2014 totally covered approximately 145 hectares. During study period a total number of 14 weed species belonging to 06 monocot and 08 dicot families were recorded out of 7 families of weed reported form study site. The most predominate was shown by monocot Poaceae having 4 weed species followed by dicot family Composite having 3 weeds. The families Cyperaceous, Solanaceae and Amaranthaceous each having 2 weeds, and the family Papaverceae represented by 1 weed. Based on % of frequency Cyperus esculentus (sedges) family Cyperaceous was 99.30. The data showed that Cynodon dactylon and Digitaria abyssinica belong to family Poaceae and Cyperus esculentus family Cyperaceous were the most abundant weed with a density of 35.9, 14 and 12 of plant m-2 respectively. Relative abundance values quantify the overall weed problem posed by specie Cyperus esculentus that had higher relative abundance was 98.97. The importance value index indicated that Cyperaceous and Poaceae families can be considered the great potential to cause reduce tobacco production. Whereas, Solanium nigrum and Datura stramonium were observed with least population density 0.00 and 1.03 plant m-2, least frequently 2.7 and 13.51 %, least relative weed abundance, 0.07 and 1.03 with importance value index 2.8 and 14.8 occurring weed respectively.


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How to cite this paper

Weed Survey Associated in Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) in Bilatte Tobacco Farm, Ethiopia

How to cite this paper: Daniel Abebe, Mekonnen Tadesse. (2020) Weed Survey Associated in Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) in Bilatte Tobacco Farm, Ethiopia. Advance in Biological Research1(1), 29-33.