
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation

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Improved Linear-Time Ranking of Permutations

Harold R. Parks1, Dean C. Wills2,*

1Department of Mathematics, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, USA.

2AppDynamics, San Francisco, California, USA.

*Corresponding author: Dean C. Wills

Published: November 11,2021


A ranking function for the permutations on n symbols assigns a unique integer in the range [0,n! -1] to each of the n! permutations. The corresponding unranking function is the inverse. We present simple O(n) ranking and unranking functions and permutation representations of a Foata transformation by Karttunen of the rankings introduced by Myrvold and Ruskey. Previous studies in the literature have either focused on lexicographic order, as the only reasonably intuitive order, or focused on the runtime performance of the algorithms. Our approach differs in that we provide an order that has algebraic significance while maintaining optimum performance. In addition, the methodology introduced herein, where mathematics and analysis are performed in the context of a descending transposition representation, is not only useful for analyzing and defining ranking, but also for the representation of all finite groups per Cayley’s Theorem, which states that every group is isomorphic to a permutation group. Using this methodology, simple and efficient programs can be written to study and classify groups of different characteristics.


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How to cite this paper

Improved Linear-Time Ranking of Permutations

How to cite this paper: Harold R. Parks, Dean C. Wills. (2021) Improved Linear-Time Ranking of PermutationsJournal of Applied Mathematics and Computation5(4), 277-282.