Article Open Access 10.26855/ijcemr.2018.03.001
Health Risk Behavior and Use of Safety Precaution among Pesticide Handling Farmers of Duhabi-Bhaluwa Region, Sunsari, Nepal
Rajendra Lamichhane, 1 Nishant Lama, 1 Sangam Subedi, 2 Suman Bahadur Singh, 3 Ram Bilakshan Sah, 3 Birendra Kumar Yadav3 1Community Medicine Department, Gandaki Medical College, Kaski, Nepal 2School of Health and Allied Sciences, Pokhara University, Nepal 3School of Public Health, B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, Sunsari, Nepal
Corresponding to: Rajendra Lamichhane; Lecturer, Community Medicine Department, Gandaki Medical College, Kaski, Nepal,, Mobile No. +9779841736095
Published: March 28,2018
Background: Widespread use of pesticides in agricultural farms foster increasing concerns regarding its negative effects on farmers health as well as in the public. Pesticide exposure remains one of the great challenges among farmers of developing countries including Nepal. The objective of this study was to access health risk behavior and use of safety precaution among agricultural farmers of Duhabi-Bhaluwa region, Sunsari, Nepal.
Methods: Cross sectional study was carried out in Duhabi-Bhaluwa region of Sunsari district, Nepal from September 2015 to February 2016. Three hundred farmers were enrolled in the study using non probability sampling technique. Data was collected by face to face interview with farmers using pre-tested semi structured questionnaire from 15th September 2015 to 15th December 2015
Results: Study reveals that 93.3 percent farmers usually lock pesticide container and stored the pesticide, disposal of pesticides throwing in open place of household premises, irrigation canal and farms were 38%, 21% and 9.3 percent respectively. Ninety percent farmers usually follow instruc-tion on pesticide label, more than half (50.3%) of the farmers were not using any kinds of personal protective equipments while spraying pesticide. Study reveals that 6 percent of the farmers enter the field before 24 hours of pesticide application
Conclusions: Study found health risk behaviour among agricultural farmers. Thus, recommends for behaviour change program on safety precaution that should be taken while spraying pesticides which could be beneficial for the promotion of farmer’s health.
How to cite this paper
Health Risk Behavior and Use of Safety Precaution among Pesticide Handling Farmers of Duhabi-Bhaluwa Region, Sunsari, Nepal
How to cite this paper: Lamichhane, R. et al. (2018) Health Risk Behavior and Use of Safety Precaution among Pesticide Handling Farmers of Duhabi-Bhaluwa Region, Sunsari, Nepal. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine Research, 2(3), 37-43.
DOI: 10.26855/ijcemr.2018.03.001