
International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture

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Study on the Indicators of Heavy Metals Content in Hard Clam (Bivalvia) Common in Myeik Estuarine Areas

U Aung Aung Aye, Nang Mya Han

Department of Marine Science, Myeik University, Myeik, Myanmar.

*Corresponding author: U Aung Aung Aye

Published: March 29,2018


Hard clam (Bivalvia) is commonly available, popular and most consumed seafood in Myeik region. It is available throughout the year and consumes by making various preparations. It can also be used as a biomonitor to indicate pollution caused by heavy metals. During 2015 January to December observation Myeik coastal areas (latitude 12˚ 44ʹ N and longitude 098˚ 52ʹ E), based on Atomic Absorption Spectroscopic spectral results (AAS), the concentrations of some elements like cadmium (Cd) composition, January (0.113 ppm), February (0.113 ppm), March (0.108 ppm), April (0.110 ppm), May (0.108 ppm), June (0.118 ppm), July (0.108 ppm), August (0.114 ppm), September (0.116 ppm), October (0.123 ppm), November (0.110 ppm), and December (0.121 ppm) and zinc (Zn) composition, January (0.738 ppm), February (0.594 ppm), March (0.561 ppm), April (0.619 ppm), May (0.538 ppm), June (0.497 ppm), July (0.495 ppm), August (0.515 ppm), September (0.509 ppm), October (0.455 ppm), November (0.373 ppm), and December (0.453 ppm) were determined in hard clam. Lead (Pb) composition in hard clam was not detected in the present study. The amount of cadmium (Cd) content in this area is occurred under the level of dangerous, the flesh of hard clam is safety to consume as a good food.


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How to cite this paper

Study on the Indicators of Heavy Metals Content in Hard Clam (Bivalvia) Common in Myeik Estuarine Areas

How to cite this paper: U Aung Aung Aye, Nang Mya Han. (2018). Study on the Indicators of Heavy Metals Content in Hard Clam (Bivalvia) Common in Myeik Estuarine Areas. International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture, 2(3), 65-70.