
International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture

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Honey Marketing Systems and Market Constraints in Horo District Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia

Alemayehu Tolera1,*, Desalegn Begna2, Simret Betsha1

1Department of Animal and Range Sciences, School of Animal and Range Sciences, Hawassa College of Agriculture, Hawassa, Ethiopia.

2Ethiopian Policy Study Institute, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

*Corresponding author: Alemayehu Tolera

Published: December 21,2021


The study was conducted in Horo district, Horo Guduru Wollega Zone, Oromia Regional state, western Ethiopia to assess honey marketing systems. For this study, six kebeles were purposively selected based on their potentials for bee-keeping. Furthermore, from each kebele 30 beekeepers and a total of 180 bee-keepers were randomly selected using purposive sampling method. The selected beekeepers were interviewed using pre-tested structured. Data were analysed using SPSS version 20 software. According to the survey result indicated that about 89.6% of beekeepers main purpose of keeping honeybees was for income generation. However, about 49.6% of the honey producers in the study area sold their honey at home. As the study result indicated that the major factors governing honey price in the study area were market force (56.5%), colour of honey (20%) and season of honey selling (23.5%). As the finding of the study revealed that the honey marketing customers in Horo district were middle men (32.9%), retailers (29.10%), wholesalers (20%), ‘Tej’ house (12%) and consumers (6%). According to the survey result, increasing honey demands, increased honey price, presence of good infrastructures specifically road and networks were identified as honey marketing opportunity in the study area. Even though, there is an opportunities that can be exploited to boost honey marketing, lack of market information, absence of beekeepers cooperatives, absence of processors, brokers and honey processing equipments were identified as a major pressing factors that affects honey marketing in the study area. Thus formulating cooperatives on beekeeping especially that can actively participate in honey producing, collecting, transporting, processing, and retailing, and investing on honey processing should be given due attention by the region in order to boost the individual beekeepers income.


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How to cite this paper

Honey Marketing Systems and Market Constraints in Horo District Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia

How to cite this paper: Alemayehu Tolera, Desalegn Begna, Simret Betsha. (2021) Honey Marketing Systems and Market Constraints in Horo District Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia. International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture5(4), 754-761.