
The Educational Review, USA

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Ethnic Identity, Individual Identity, and Perceived Stress Correlated with Life Satisfaction of American College Students

Yueh-Ting Lee1,*, Rongling Tang1, Aarren Minneyfield1, Jennifer Brantley1, Wenting Chen2

1School of Psychological and Behavioral Sciences, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois, USA. 

2Department of the College English Education, Capital Normal University, Beijing, China.

*Corresponding author: Yueh-Ting Lee

Published: December 28,2021


On the basis of previous and recent research on college life and school education it is hypothesized that both individual or personal identity (i.e., individual self-esteem) and ethnic or social identity (i.e., group/collective self-esteem) play a very important role in life satisfaction of college students. A total of 186 college students completed different inventories containing items concerning life satisfaction. The results revealed that individual or personal identity, ethnic or social identity, and perceived stress largely accounted for the variance of college students’ life satisfaction. In addition, the differences between White or Euro-American, Hispanic/Latino/a, African, Asian, and other students were also found to be significant in terms of their college life satisfaction, personal identity, social identity, locus of control, residence or living conditions, and pessimistic attitudes toward racial problems.


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How to cite this paper

Ethnic Identity, Individual Identity, and Perceived Stress Correlated with Life Satisfaction of American College Students

How to cite this paper: Yueh-Ting Lee, Rongling Tang, Aarren Minneyfield, Jennifer Brantley, Wenting Chen. (2021). Ethnic Identity, Individual Identity, and Perceived Stress Correlated with Life Satisfaction of American College Students. The Educational Review, USA5(12), 470-477.