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Heat Transfer Analysis of a Rectangular Moving Porous Fin with Temperature-Dependent Thermal Conductivity and Internal Heat Generation: Comparative and Parametric Studies

M. G. Sobamowo*, A. A. Yinusa, M. O. Salami, O. C. Osih, B. O. Adesoye

Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Lagos, Akoka, Lagos State, Nigeria.

*Corresponding author: M. G. Sobamowo

Published: December 29,2021


In this work, heat transfer study of rectangular moving porous fin with temperature-dependent thermal conductivity and internal heat generation is presented using differential transformation and finite difference methods. The results of the two methods are compared and very good agreements are established. However, with the aid of the approximate analytical solution, parametric studies of the effects of thermal-geometric and thermo-physical fin parameters such as the Peclet number, thermal conductivity parameter, convection parameter, porosity parameter and internal heat generation parameter on the temperature distribution, rate of heat transfer and thermal efficiency of the fin are investigated. From the analysis, it is found that increase in porosity, convective, increase the rate of heat transfer from the fin and consequently improve the efficiency of the fin while increase in thermal conductivity and internal heat generation decreases the rate of heat transfer from the fin. It is hoped that the numerical and semi-analytical studies presented in this paper will help in providing good physical insights in practice.


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How to cite this paper

Heat Transfer Analysis of a Rectangular Moving Porous Fin with Temperature-Dependent Thermal Conductivity and Internal Heat Generation: Comparative and Parametric Studies

How to cite this paper: M. G. Sobamowo, A. A. Yinusa, M. O. Salami, O. C. Osih, B. O. Adesoye. (2021). Heat Transfer Analysis of a Rectangular Moving Porous Fin with Temperature-Dependent Thermal Conductivity and Internal Heat Generation: Comparative and Parametric StudiesEngineering Advances1(2), 50-66.