M. Teresa Sirvent*, Ana Clara Monteverde, Marcela Fabiana Agulló
Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, School of Educational Sciences Area, University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
*Corresponding author: M. Teresa Sirvent
This article presents contributions and challenges regarding triangulation processes performed in social and educational research, on the basis of a completed project at: University of Buenos Aires—Argentina, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters/School of Educational Sciences Area. This research project refers to a network analysis of conditions which either ease or block education claims, derived from individual and social groups educational needs upon a ‘permanent education’ in a lifelong context. This research is based on educational poverty diagnoses around young adults and the adult population from Argentina. This paper unravels—through different work lines—a ‘black box’ originated as a consequence of historical, social, individual processes, accounting for the recreation or breakdown of these poverty situations, advance or cumulative advantage educational principles, specially focused on a triangulation and combined approach. In other words, such methodological strategy suggested, will be described fulfil and consists of the methodological convergence of different ways of building science processes in a educational-social area: a Verificative Approach (traditionally associated with quantitative methods), a Conceptual Generative Approach (traditionally associated with qualitative methods), and a Participatory Praxis Approach (traditionally associated with participatory research methods). By virtue of this methodological perspective, it will highlight what it may be considered as innovative contributions and challenges linked to a network analysis of conditions which either ease or block education claims, derived from individual and social groups educational needs upon a ‘permanent education’ in a lifelong context. Let us start by mentioning “how to make triangulation processes” as regards to our project and secondly, we will address a variety of theoretical issues about integrated triangulation. In essence, these potential approaches refer to an old discussion on the possibilities of a combined paradigm in which different epistemological viewpoints of the world are mixed, the social backgrounds, and the construction of scientific knowledge in such a social field.
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How to cite this paper
Triangulation Experiences in Educational Settings: Rethinking the Concept
How to cite this paper: M. Teresa Sirvent, Ana Clara Monteverde, Marcela Fabiana Agulló. (2022). Triangulation Experiences in Educational Settings: Rethinking the Concept. The Educational Review, USA, 6(1), 1-9.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.26855/er.2022.01.001