
International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture

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Assessment of Postharvest Handling Practices of Rice by Farmers across the Producing Area of Kwara State

M. B. Aremu*, S. O. Okunade, I. A. Kurah, N. F. Okparavero, M. O. Rahman, K. C. Achime

Nigerian Stored Products Research Institute, KM 3, Asa Dam Road, Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria.

*Corresponding author: M. B. Aremu

Published: January 20,2022


Use of available storage facility by rice farmers and marketers is considered to be low; therefore assessing the postharvest handling of rice by farmer in the study area is important. The age range of 15-20 years old farmer have the highest  participation in rice production, with 33.6%; most of the respondents (43.8%) have tertiary educational qualification, 42.1% of the respondents have the least experience of 5 to 10 years in rice farming, and rice farmers (45.1%) in the study area cultivate between 1 and 10 hectares of rice farm. 42.3% of the respondents harvest 11-20 bags per hectares and 15.4% of the respondents harvest up to 21-30 bags per hectares. 91.9% of the respondents store their paddy rice after harvest while 8.1% of the respondents do not store. Majority of the respondent uses local crib (44.2%) and warehouse/store (41.7%) for storage. The result indicates that 5.8% respondents have their storage structure located on the farm while 49.2% have theirs in the house. 55% of the respondent store for short period of time, (1-3 months) while 10% store for 6 months and above. 74% of the respondents are aware of latest technology to store paddy rice while 26% are not aware. 72.5% respondents are using only the controlled environment technologies in storing their paddy rice and 13.5% are using silo. Most of the respondents (73.2%) are aware of Extension Agents (EA) and ADPs while 26.8% are not and in the same vain 77.8% of the respondent have been visited by EA/ADP staff while 22.2%respondents have not been visited. The result shows that 77.7% respondent reported that rodents are the cause of loss of their stored paddy rice, while 10.7% respondents said it is insects.73% of the respondents carry out pre storage operation (drying) while 19.1% do fumigate. Therefore the results indicate that the majority of rice farmers in the study area are youth however, they are not aware of the modern post harvest management practices therefore could not stored for a long period of time.


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How to cite this paper

Assessment of Postharvest Handling Practices of Rice by Farmers across the Producing Area of Kwara State

How to cite this paper: M. B. Aremu, S. O. Okunade, I. A. Kurah, N. F. Okparavero, M. O. Rahman, K. C. Achime. (2022) Assessment of Postharvest Handling Practices of Rice by Farmers across the Producing Area of Kwara State. International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture6(1), 24-34.