
The Educational Review, USA

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Brain-Computer Interface and Classroom Teaching: Status, Bottleneck and Prospect

 Xinyu Liu1,2,*, Yanna Ping1,2, Han Li1, Dongyun Wang1,2

1School of Intelligent Manufacturing, Huanghuai University, Zhumadian, Henan Province, China.

2Henan Engineering Research Center of Intelligent Human-Machine Interaction Equipment, Huanghuai University, Zhumadian, Henan Province, China.

*Corresponding author: Xinyu Liu

Published: February 22,2022


Application of brain-computer interface (BCI) in class has been reported by a large number of literatures. The current research on the BCI in classroom teaching is mainly from the perspective of researcher, but little attention has been paid to the attitude and cognition of user. Aiming at the problems of BCI in classroom teaching, a questionnaire about college students’ attitudes towards the use of BCI in class was carried out. Data analysis results have shown that the prospects of BCI are relatively good in classroom teaching, but some students have insufficient understanding and have a large bias for the BCI. In addition, for the application of BCI in class, there are many bottlenecks in terms of technology maturity, cognitive biases, ethical issues, and institutional guarantees for the BCI. In-depth research is needed to find ways to crack them. We believe that the change of BCI to traditional teaching mode is limited, but combining the BCI technology with existing teaching methods will help increase student learning motivation and improve learning efficiency in class in the future.


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How to cite this paper

Brain-Computer Interface and Classroom Teaching: Status, Bottleneck and Prospect

How to cite this paper:  Xinyu Liu, Yanna Ping, Han Li, Dongyun Wang. (2022). Brain-Computer Interface and Classroom Teaching: Status, Bottleneck and Prospect. The Educational Review, USA6(2), 45-55.