
International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture

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Framework Of Disaster Preparedness Among Coastal Communities In Davao City, Philippines

Moises C. Torrentira Jr., Michael Makilan

University of Southeastern Philippines, Davao City, Philippines.

*Corresponding author: Moises C. Torrentira Jr.

Published: April 17,2018


This study aimed to develop framework of disaster preparedness in communities of coastal barangay’s in Davao City, Philippines. Responses from Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Committee (BDRRMC) members and residents were processed and analyzed through exploratory factor analysis.

Results of the study showed that those coastal Barangay which have sufficient Internal Revenue Allotment (IRA) and have frequently encountered coastal disasters are more prepared and they seriously implement disaster risk reduction programming. Technically, majority of the respondents were capacitated through series of skills trainings. Furthermore, the study was able to generate five dimensions of disaster preparedness among coastal communities of Davao City namely; awareness and knowledge on disaster risk reduction protocol, structural adaptation, governance, household disaster mitigation management and localized emergency management system.

On the other hand, the disaster risk index among coastal communities is statistically high in terms of awareness and knowledge on disaster risk reduction protocol, household disaster mitigation management, and localized emergency management system while coastal communities are moderately prepared in terms of structural adaptation and governance.

Finally, the study concluded that disaster preparedness practices matter to political leadership as well as sufficient financial capacity to support disaster preparedness.


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How to cite this paper

Framework Of Disaster Preparedness Among Coastal Communities In Davao City, Philippines

How to cite this paper: Moises C. Torrentira Jr., Michael Makilan. (2018). Framework Of Disaster Preparedness Among Coastal Communities In Davao City, Philippines. The Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2(4), 84-91.