Engineering Advances

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Effect of Various Formulations onto Turbine Oil Compatibility

Mirko Petković1,*, Valentina Petković1, Pero Dugić2, Tatjana Botić2, Milorad Maksimović2, Zoran Petrović3

1Oil Refinery Modriča, JSC, Modriča, Bosnia and Herzegovina. 

2Faculty of Technology, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina. 

3Faculty of Technology, Zvornik, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

*Corresponding author: Mirko Petković

Published: March 21,2022


Once turbine oil has completed its life cycle, it needs to be replaced. However, changing the oil that has been in the system for a prolonged period of time, or addition of new oil into the system inevitably brings certain risks. Such risks are related to: condition of the turbine system, outdated equipment, lack of knowledge about the chemical additives in the formulation of the old lubricant and compatibility of the new oil with the old one. In order to meet new, more stringent specifications imposed by turbine manufacturers, whereby such specifications are in direct correlation with performance improvement and oil longevity, a new generation of turbine oil has been formulated using Group II base oils and a package of “ashless” additives. Such formulation is not fully compatible with standard, traditional types of turbine oils. Incompatibility can cause difficulties in operation, as well as a complete breakdown of the turbine system. There are many standards that provide compatibility testing guidelines. Compatibility testing methods include preparation of lubricant mixtures. This paper assessed the compatibility of the steam turbine oils formulated by using a traditional, standard base oil and additive package, as opposed to a new turbine oil formulated with the same manufacturer ashless additive package together with the Group II base oil.


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How to cite this paper

Effect of Various Formulations onto Turbine Oil Compatibility

How to cite this paper: Mirko Petković, Valentina Petković, Pero Dugić, Tatjana Botić, Milorad Maksimović, Zoran Petrović. (2022). Effect of Various Formulations onto Turbine Oil CompatibilityEngineering Advances2(1), 88-100.