
International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture

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An Update on Safety and Quality Concern of Frozen and Fermented Dairy Products: Control Strategies & Future Approach

Awani Shrivastav1, Prachi Pahariya2, Tridib Kumar Goswami1,*

1Agricultural and Food Engineering Department, IIT Kharagpur, West Bengal, 721302, India.

2School of Agricultural Sciences, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Carbondale, Illinois, USA.

*Corresponding author: Tridib Kumar Goswami

Published: March 28,2022


The dairy industry is the premier part of the food industry producing a wide variety of products that are sold worldwide. The primary concern of the dairy industry is to deliver safe products due to the increase in the risk of pathogenic outbreaks associated with the dairy industry. It was found that most of the contamination occurs during manufacturing, handling, and storage operations. This review provides an update on the safety and quality concerns of frozen and fermented milk products, their control strategies, and future approach. Also, different microorganisms that act at various stages of operation in the production of frozen and fermented dairy products are described in this review. Therefore, it is a really important criterion to identify the root cause of the problem at every step of processing and preventive measures should be taken due to the growing risk with the increase in industrialization in the dairy industry.


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How to cite this paper

An Update on Safety and Quality Concern of Frozen and Fermented Dairy Products: Control Strategies & Future Approach

How to cite this paper: Awani Shrivastav, Prachi Pahariya, Tridib Kumar Goswami. (2022) An Update on Safety and Quality Concern of Frozen and Fermented Dairy Products: Control Strategies & Future ApproachInternational Journal of Food Science and Agriculture6(1), 83-92.