
International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture

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Optimization of Extrusion Cooking Variables for Production of Protein Enriched Maize-Cassava Leaf Composite Instant Porridge Flour

Zemenu K. Terefe1,2,*, Mary Omwamba1, John Nduko1

1Department of Dairy and Food Science and Technology, Egerton University, Njoro Campus, Njoro, Kenya.

2Department of Food Science and Technology, Hawassa University, Hawassa, Ethiopia.

*Corresponding author: Zemenu K. Terefe

Published: March 30,2022


Protein energy malnutrition is one of the major public health problems in the developing countries. The objective of this study was to develop protein enriched instant porridge flour from maize and cassava leaf composites. Response Surface Methodology (RSM) in Box-Behnken design was used for formulation and optimization of the process variables. A co-rotating twin screw extruder was used with the combination of the three variables; extrusion temperature (80-120oC), cassava leaf flour proportion (5-15%) and feed moisture (14-18%). Results obtained showed that, the protein and lysine contents were found in the ranges of 11.45 to 20.1% and 1.98 to 6.2 g/100g of protein, respectively. There was a significant (p < 0.001) increase in the protein and essential amino acid contents of the extruded flour due to supplementation with cassava leaf flour. The optimum extrusion variables that could give optimum proximate composition and essential amino acid profiles were; extrusion temperature (118oC), feed composition (8%) and feed moisture (14%) with a composite desirability of 99.8 percent. The optimum value of protein after optimization was 16%. Therefore, 100 grams serving of maize-cassava leaf extruded instant porridge can provide 47% of the recommended daily allowance of protein (34 g/day) for children up to 12 years old with enhanced protein quality. Therefore, extrusion cooking can be used effectively for production of maize-cassava leaf composite instant porridge flours that have enhanced nutritional quality.


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How to cite this paper

Optimization of Extrusion Cooking Variables for Production of Protein Enriched Maize-Cassava Leaf Composite Instant Porridge Flour

How to cite this paper: Zemenu K. Terefe, Mary Omwamba, John Nduko. (2022) Optimization of Extrusion Cooking Variables for Production of Protein Enriched Maize-Cassava Leaf Composite Instant Porridge Flour. International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture6(1), 93-106.