
International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture

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Assessment of Socio-Economic Improvement amongst Vegetable Grower by Adoption of High Efficiency Irrigation Systems in District Rawalpindi, Punjab, Pakistan

Syed M. Zakria*, Muhammad Bilal, Syed Ahmad Zakria

Institute of Agricultural Sciences, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.

*Corresponding author: Syed M. Zakria

Published: April 7,2022


Pakistan is facing challenges at the intersection water scarcity, depleting water resources, low productivity, climate change implications on top of it, which needs to be addressed urgently. Major impediments of Pakistan agriculture are obsolete, abandoned and inefficient irrigation and agri. practices to overcome interconnected issues and imminent threats to economy at large. The only solution out there is the more efficient management of diminishing resources by adoption of irrigation water saving interventions, and one of the most efficient initiatives is Drip Irrigation System (DIS) which enables timely and judiciously application of water and other inputs as per plant requirement at various stages of growth to the effective rootzone. The research is carried out, with one of the objectives, the socio-economic improvement assessment of vegetable growers by adoption of High Efficiency Irrigation Systems (HEISs) in district Rawalpindi Punjab, Pakistan. In total 27 sites vegetables grown under DIS data of 135 acres, 108 acres 4 from each scheme site under DIS and 27 acres, 1 acre adjacent to site as control under conventional irrigation. Triangulation approach is used to figure out socio-economic impacts. Quantitative data were analyzed by using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), Student’s t-Test also used to observe association between variables. It is estimated that quantity of water applied both DIS and conventional 2,671.52 m3, 3,895.46 m3 respectively is reflecting significantly higher saving results, similarly time saving again highly significant too in DIS 53.79 and conventional irrigation took 97.59 minutes to irrigate 1 acre. Comprehensive estimation of yield, price, total income, expenditure, and net income figured out revealed yield with DIS 54,778 kg in comparison with conventional 22,689 kg highly significant achievement. Finally, the ultimate decisive factor, net income calculated is high significantly in DIS Rs. 450,726 compared with conventional Rs. 222,437 per acre with difference of means Rs. 228,289 more than double. Salient features of socio-economic improvement are summarized as under also, 90% expressed increased cell phone usage, 74% observed income increase, 72% found better lifestyle, 64% revamped machinery pool, 64% also for improved transportation, 57% increased domestic livestock, 56% for better food availability, 54% availed better children education, 52% noticed increased social and 22% political activities, 31% termed better health access. It is concluded that DIS is the most efficient irrigation water saving intervention alongside other benefits for up scaling socio economic profile for the farming community.


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How to cite this paper

Assessment of Socio-Economic Improvement amongst Vegetable Grower by Adoption of High Efficiency Irrigation Systems in District Rawalpindi, Punjab, Pakistan

How to cite this paper: Syed M. Zakria, Muhammad Bilal, Syed Ahmad Zakria. (2022) Assessment of Socio-Economic Improvement amongst Vegetable Grower by Adoption of High Efficiency Irrigation Systems in District Rawalpindi, Punjab, PakistanInternational Journal of Food Science and Agriculture6(1), 107-119.