Engineering Advances

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Role of Particle Size of Magnesium Silicate (Talcum Powder) in Improving the Properties of Latex Paint

Sheraz Ahmed Qureshi

Institute of Chemical Engineering & Technology, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.

*Corresponding author: Sheraz Ahmed Qureshi

Published: April 26,2022


The effect of particle size of latex paint extender (magnesium silicate) was examined for different paint samples. Two magnesium silicate slurries were prepared using nano mill and Conventional Agitator with same formulation. Magnesium silicate of particle size 65 microns was chosen as a reference material. Latex paint samples were prepared with both slurries separately in order to observe the effect of particle size. The nano mill showed exceptionally good results compared to conventional agitator. The particle size of magnesium silicate in nano mill was reduced from 65 microns to 26 microns whereas it was reduced from 65 microns to 30 microns in case of conventional agitator. In addition, the latex paint prepared with nano mill showed better whiteness, wet hiding, dry hiding and gloss compared to conventional agitator. The particle size of latex paint extender, magnesium silicate/Talcum powder, plays a vital role in improving the properties of finished latex paint.


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How to cite this paper

Role of Particle Size of Magnesium Silicate (Talcum Powder) in Improving the Properties of Latex Paint

How to cite this paper: Sheraz Ahmed Qureshi. (2022). Role of Particle Size of Magnesium Silicate (Talcum Powder) in Improving the Properties of Latex PaintEngineering Advances2(1), 116-123.