
The Educational Review, USA

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In-Company Training as an Organizational Form of Professional Improvement

Dora Troitiño Díaz

Professor of English for Specific Purposes in the Postgraduate School of Energy and Mining, Havana, Cuba.

*Corresponding author: Dora Troitiño Díaz

Published: May 30,2022


This article gives different definitions of the term training.  In company-training is not so used nowadays in Cuban companies despite all its potentialities.  That is why this article allows finding different perspectives on this topic as well as the characteristics of this form of organizational improvement.  It highlights the steps to be followed in the design of a training program and the author of the article emphasizes in the English training.  The steps can be used in the design of other postgraduate programs, though.  In-company training for the teaching of ESP is highly beneficial, professionals are in contact with their working environment and the use of the language can be held in interaction with other foreign specialists from their field.  The designing stage is very important;  to follow the steps explained is a key to start a successful course.  The tutor is another relevant element that together with the professionals can improve this program to be taught.


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How to cite this paper

In-Company Training as an Organizational Form of Professional Improvement

How to cite this paper:  Dora Troitiño Díaz. (2022). In-Company Training as an Organizational Form of Professional Improvement. The Educational Review, USA6(5), 180-183.