
The Educational Review, USA

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The Orientation of Academic Project in Engineering

William Patrick Geraldo1,*, Waldemar Bonventi Junior1, José Roberto Garcia1, Ana Laura Schliemann2

1UNISO– University of Sorocaba, Brazil

2PUC – Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, Brazil

*Corresponding author: William Patrick Geraldo

Published: June 5,2018


Engineering has been getting closer and closer to people's lives in a very short time period, although present in the technology of televisions, cars, clothes, among other equipment and services. Currently, in Brazil, the engineer's work brought people closer to their problems and, therefore, the importance of training professionals with the ability to identify, evaluate and solve them. The main objective of this article is to present the teaching methodology adopted in the Supervised Project Course for the creation of Engineering Degree Project and to demonstrate some work done close to people and their "interfaces" with the health area. At the University of Sorocaba (UNISO) the Computer Engineering course adopted the active methodology of learning based on the Problem-Based Learning (PBL). This caused the students to get in touch with the community, their problems and needs. Then, these situations were discussed during the lessons in order to solve the problems identified. It should be noted that the choice of subjects was free and most focused on problems related to health, disability and sustainability. The construction of knowledge was carried out through the discussion of the theory in practice in an applied, descriptive and qualitative research on this experience. The students attended the needs of the topics of the work developed, such as: 1) Pité (therapeutic robot that helps in the treatment of childhood diseases); 2) prototypes to help the mobility of people with tetraplegia using wheelchairs. The proposal of the work with the PBL and project-based learning was important for the development of skills of autonomy and social responsibility that helped in the formation of participatory and responsible citizens in their community.


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How to cite this paper

The Orientation of Academic Project in Engineering

How to cite this paper: William Patrick Geraldo, Waldemar Bonventi Junior, José Roberto Garcia, Ana Laura Schliemann. (2018). The Orientation of Academic Project in Engineering. The Educational Review, USA2(5), 272-280.