
The Educational Review, USA

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Digital Leadership and Decision-Making Styles as Determinants of Public Primary School Teachers’ Job Performance for Sustainable Education in Oyo State

Chinenye C. Obadimeji, Afolakemi O. Oredein*

Department of Educational Management, Faculty of Arts & Education, Lead City University, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria.

*Corresponding author: Afolakemi O. Oredein

Published: June 22,2022


Teachers’ job performance is being determined by so many factors. Researchers have worked on some factors, but much work has not been done on digital leadership and decision-making styles. Thus, a bid to determine public primary school teachers’ job performance in Oyo State led to this study. A Multi-stage sampling procedure using a basic Random Sampling technique was employed to select the respondents. A total of six hundred and forty-three (643) respondents from the three senatorial districts participated. Structured Teachers’ Questionnaire (TQ) was validated and Cronbach’s Alpha was used to determine the reliability of the instrument. Frequency counts, percentages and linear multiple regression (ANOVA) were employed to analyse the data collected. Findings showed that the level of teachers’ job performance in Oyo State public primary schools at all times is high, except for the use of instructional material. The most adopted decision-making style is the directive decision-making style. Test of Hypotheses reveals that: there is a combined influence of digital leadership and decision-making styles on public primary school teachers’ job performance in Oyo State (F(3,640)=4526.293; P<0.05). It is recommended that school administrators should not rely on a specific decision-making style.


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How to cite this paper

Digital Leadership and Decision-Making Styles as Determinants of Public Primary School Teachers' Job Performance for Sustainable Education in Oyo State

How to cite this paper: Chinenye C. Obadimeji, Afolakemi O. Oredein. (2022). Digital Leadership and Decision-Making Styles as Determinants of Public Primary School Teachers' Job Performance for Sustainable Education in Oyo State. The Educational Review, USA6(6), 230-240.