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Numerical Investigation of Adiabatic Film Cooling Effectiveness over Flat Plate with Barchan Dune Shape Ramp Configuration

Grine Mustapha1,*, Ben Ali Kouchih Fatima2, Khadidja Boualem2, Azzi Abbès2

1ELM Department, Institute of Maintenance and Industrial Safety, Oran 2 University, Oran, Algeria.

2Laboratoire Aero Hydrodynamique Navale, (LAHN) USTO-MB, Oran, Algeria.

*Corresponding author: Grine Mustapha

Published: June 24,2022


In this study, the effect of low and high blowing ratios on film cooling efficiency over a flat plate with Barchan Dune Shape Ramp is presented. The blowing ratios considered in this paper are, M=0.25, 0.5, 0.85, 1.0 and 1.5. The concept of the Barchan Dune Shape Ramp (BDSR) can generate anti-counter rotating vortices (anti-CRV) that’s help in the distribution of coolant flow. The BDSR located up-stream of the injection hole. All cases are simulated using the commercial soft-ware ANSYS CFX 16. The k-ε RNG is utilized as a closure model for the averaged Navier Stokes equations. The validation of current calculations is made by comparison with experimental data found in the literature. The main result of this study reveals that the use of BDSR is limited for blowing ratios less than one.


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How to cite this paper

Numerical Investigation of Adiabatic Film Cooling Effectiveness over Flat Plate with Barchan Dune Shape Ramp Configuration

How to cite this paper: Grine Mustapha, Ben Ali Kouchih Fatima, Khadidja Boualem, Azzi Abbès. (2022). Numerical Investigation of Adiabatic Film Cooling Effectiveness over Flat Plate with Barchan Dune Shape Ramp ConfigurationEngineering Advances2(1), 128-140.