
The Educational Review, USA

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Leadership Styles of Principals and Teachers’ Organizational Commitment in Bale Zone Secondary Schools

Getahun Ayele

Department of Educational Planning and Management, College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, School of Graduate Studies, Haramaya University, Haramaya, Ethiopia.

*Corresponding author: Getahun Ayele

Published: June 29,2022


This research was carried out with the intention of examining the relationship between leadership styles of school principals, and teachers’ organizational commitment of secondary schools in Bale zone. To this effect, 186 teachers, 41 department heads and all 9 school principals were the sources of data. Questionnaire was the main instrument of data collection from teachers and department heads. Interview was utilized to collect data from principals to substantiate the data gained through questionnaire. The dependent variables of teachers’ commitment was examined using Meyer and Allen’s (1997) three component model of employee commitment (affective, normative and continuance) and the independent variables of leadership styles questionnaire (democratic, autocratic and laissez-faire) developed by Yusuf were adopted and modified to see the perception of respondents about their school principals’ leadership styles. It was a mixed study hat used both the qualitative and quantitative methods of research. It adopted a correlation survey research design that helped in establishing the relationship between leadership styles, and teachers’ organizational commitment. In this regard, data for this study was collected on the independent variable, which was leadership styles, and that of the dependent variable, teachers’ organizational commitment. The relationship between the two variables was investigated by using Pearson product moment Correlation Co-efficient in order to determine the strength of their relationship and the coefficients of determination existing between them. Regression analysis was also used to see the effect of leadership styles on teachers’ organizational commitment. In addition to this frequency, percentage and mean were utilized to analyze the demographic characteristics of the respondents. The qualitative data obtained through interview were analyzed using thematic analysis. The results showed that, Democratic style has inverse relation with Affective Commitment, but Laissez-faire showed positive relation with Affective Commitment, while Autocratic leadership showed no significant relationship with Affective Commitment. However, both Democratic and Autocratic showed positive significant relation with Normative and Continuance commitment of teachers; but Laissez-faire has no significant relation on Continuance commitment but inverse relation with Normative commitment. Overall findings of this study suggest that Democratic, Autocratic and Laissez-faire leadership styles do play roles in determining the levels of teacher’s commitment. Leaders should consider in matching all leadership styles based on the situation of their teachers. Lastly, since no similar research has been done in secondary schools, this finding may contribute to the understanding and improvement of teachers’ commitment in secondary schools in Bale zone.


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How to cite this paper

Leadership Styles of Principals and Teachers' Organizational Commitment in Bale Zone Secondary Schools

How to cite this paper: Getahun Ayele. (2022). Leadership Styles of Principals and Teachers' Organizational Commitment in Bale Zone Secondary SchoolsThe Educational Review, USA6(6), 241-250.