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Teaching Large Classes in Higher Education: Challenges and Strategies

Japhet E. Lawrence

Faculty of Arts and Education, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia.

*Corresponding author: Japhet E. Lawrence

Published: June 30,2022


Higher education around the world are experiencing significant growth in student enrolment, as a result, educators face the daunting challenge of teaching larger classes while improving the quality of instruction and subsequent value delivered to students. Large class can become a daunting task to any instructor who has never taught a large class before and teaching a large group of students can be intimidating for both students and instructors. Although teaching large class is a challenge, but it can offer many opportunities for the instructor to improve his teaching and make it more enjoyable and rewarding for both the instructor and the students. The aim of this study is to identify effective teaching and assessment strategies to address the challenges of teaching in large class environment. It focuses on student engagement as a strategy to address the challenges faced by large class learning environments. By focusing on student engagement and adapting teaching and assessment strategies to promote critical thinking, it is possible to overcome the challenges posed by large class environments into opportunities for effective student learning. The study provides valuable direction for faculty faced with teaching and supporting large-class environments in higher education.


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How to cite this paper

Teaching Large Classes in Higher Education: Challenges and Strategies

How to cite this paper: Japhet E. Lawrence. (2022). Teaching Large Classes in Higher Education: Challenges and Strategies. The Educational Review, USA6(6), 251-262.