Journals by Subject
HPG Journal List
Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems
ISSN Print: 2576-0521 | ISSN Online: 2576-053X | Frequency: semi-annuallyJournal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems (JEPES) is an international, scholarly and peer-reviewed journal (print and online) published semi-an..299592 Total View -
Advance in Sustainability
ISSN Online: 2769-3074 | Frequency: Instant publicationThe Advancein Sustainability (AS) is a peer-reviewed and rapid-publication journalpublished by Hill Publishing Group (HPG), focusing on all fields ofS..103028 Total View -
OAJRC Environmental Science
ISSN Online: 2632-2331 | Frequency: Instant publicationThe OAJRC Environmental Science (OAJRCES) is a peer-reviewed and rapid-publication journal published by Hill Publishing Group (HPG), focusing on all f..174341 Total View -
Climate Change and Meteorology
ISSN Online: 3066-3164 | Frequency: AnnunallyClimate Change and Meteorology Journal is a scholarly publication dedicated to advancing research and knowledge in the fields of climate change and me..6340 Total View -
Geophysics and Geology
ISSN Online: 3066-5159 | Frequency: AnnunallyGeophysics and Geology is a peer-reviewed publication that covers a wide range oftopics related to the fields of geophysics and geology. The journal..7786 Total View