News Release

Acknowledgement to Reviewers of Journals Under Hill Publishing Group in 2021

January 12,2022 Views: 2018

The journals under Hill Publishing Group rely on reviewers’ critical comments to maintain quality. The editors would like to express their appreciation to the following reviewers who have provided valuable comments for the journals under Hill Publishing Group in 2021:

International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture

Reelika Rätsep


Daniel Abebe

Mulono Apriyanto

Adewale M. Esan

Trilok Nath Rai

Hana Souahi

Dibyendu Mondal

Jordan Markovic

Welder Angelo Baldassini

Bachubhai Arjanbhai Monpara

International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine Research


Miwa Yamamoto

Satish Kumar Anumula

Karen Cordovil Marques de Souza

José Luis Corona Lisboa

Maryam Sabah Nasar

Yadira Guerra Collada

Hanan M. Ali

Faeq Abdallah Mohammed AL-Temimei

Yafi Sabila Rosyad

Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation

Yoshihiro Hamaya

Behrooz Alizadeh

Jacob Nagler

Ghulam Rasool

Journal of Humanities, Arts and Social Science

Pratibha J.Mishra

Yezihalem Sisay Takele

Eric Junior Wagobera

Neha Vishwakarma

Nurul Mohammad Zayed

Mukuru Ssessazi Alfred

Dursun Eğriboyun

Tanveer Bagh

Anita Banerjee

Jitendra Kumar Sinha

Shah Imran Ahmed

There are more contributors to the journals than can be listed, and their support is appreciated.