
The Educational Review, USA

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On the Transfer Effect of Sichuan Dialect to the Learning of English Pronunciation

Chunmei Yuan

Jiangxi Normal University, Nanchang, Jiangxi, China.

*Corresponding author: Chunmei Yuan

Published: April 23,2023


The development of the English subject core competence entails the learning of English pronunciation which can be influenced by individuals’ native language system since language transfer is pervasive in the process of second language acquisition. There are lots of dialects in China, and dialect can influence our learning of other languages. As a variation of Chinese, Sichuan dialect has its own unique characteristics. As a result, it will inevitably have a bearing on the acquisition of English pronunciation. Based on language transfer theory and her own English learning experience, the author endeavors to analyze the difficulties she encountered when learning English pronunciation, and strives to offer a full range of practical suggestions as well as strategies to overcome the negative transfer of the local dialect: selecting excellent phonetic teachers, helping students realizing the differences between local dialect and received English pronunciation, forming good learning habits and practicing pronunciation as much as possible.


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How to cite this paper

On the Transfer Effect of Sichuan Dialect to the Learning of English Pronunciation

How to cite this paper: Chunmei Yuan. (2023). On the Transfer Effect of Sichuan Dialect to the Learning of English Pronunciation. The Educational Review, USA7(3), 329-332.