
International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture

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Vavilov's concept of the species as a system

Boguslav S. Kurlovich

International North Express Co. Liesharjunkatu 9, 53850 Lappeenranta, Finland.

*Corresponding author: Boguslav S. Kurlovich

Published: December 12,2019


The majority of scientific investigations in the area of a plant taxonomy are finished usually on the level of a concrete species. N. Vavilov in a study of several hundred species showed the absence of monotypic species, i.e. species represented by various forms. The investigation of cultivated species has led to the Vavilov's conception of a Linnaean species as a definite system. We also have tried to complement and develop the Vavilov's concept concerning species of Lupinus L. The International Code of botanical nomenclature fixed such categories as subspecies (subspecies), varieties (varietas), subvarieties (subvarietas) and form (forma). Besides, N. Vavilov paid special attention to eco-geographical differentiation of species into ecotypes, geotypes, concultivars, etc. Such an approach is very effective at the systematization of agricultural plant biodiversity.

We have taken advantage of the concept of Vavilov in relation to our model object - genus Lupinus L. Many years of research (1973-2014) by means of expedition missions in many countries, by the study the lupins collection of the N. I. Vavilov’s Institute (2500 accessions) in various geographic regions, and by generalization of the data obtained by other researchers, have enabled as to find out new regularities in the variability of characters depending on genetic features of the species and accessions, and also on ecological and agronomic conditions of their growth (Kurlovich et al. 1990). This Vavilov's approach allowed us to develop a more detailed intraspecific taxonomic and eco-geographical classification and proposed efficient ways of lupins genetic resource utilization in breeding (Kurlovich, 1989, 1998, 2002; Kurlovich and Stankevich, 1990, 1994; Kurlovich et al. 1995). 


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How to cite this paper

Vavilov's concept of the species as a system

How to cite this paper: Kurlovich, B. S. (2019) Vavilov's concept of the species as a system. International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture, 3(4), 275-286.